sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009

The eyes of the world

God Save The Queen.

If i was Colbert,i would feel pride of that.

Egypt is the donation of the Nile.

What a handsome costume!

Ouro negro
Jogo negro
Sangue negro.

A discrepância que move o mundo.

That means...


Let's feed war...

...with religion.

O Prometheu que nunca sucumbiu.

Une femme obèse.

is it just one more cliche?Better think twice.

Deixai Gounod estripar Fausto.

The construction of the human wisdom starts of his daily necessities

Somos Deuses Olímpicos.

The holy poverty lives as a memory.

MOM!We have a black fly at our white cake!

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